Lucky Duck
French version only
In this game, players take the role of the Driver one by one and direct the trolley to kill anyone on either lane. All other players place characters and Modifiers on the tracks and try to get the Driver to kill everyone on the OTHER track. It’s the eternal dilemma of the trolley!
In each team, one player draws three Innocent cards. Another member of each team draws three Guilty cards. To initiate the lanes, each team draws a card at random from the Innocent pack and places it on their lane. Each player who has drawn an Innocent card then chooses a card from his hand that he plays on the way of his own team. Each player who has drawn Guilty cards then chooses a card from his hand and places it on the other team’s way. This map must be placed as the final part of a track. His goal is to sabotage the other way and convince the Driver that everyone on THIS way must die. The Driver must make a choice and send the trolley down to any berzingue along one of the tracks, killing anyone and everyone on that track. But before the Driver makes his decision, each team must plead as if their lives depended on it to have the Driver spare their path and kill their opponents! Once the Driver has made his choice, he lowers the lever and everyone on the selected track dies. Each player whose lane has been decimated receives a «dead» token, symbol of a black mark on their soul.
Includes :
14+ years / 3 to 13 players / 30 minutes